Monday, December 22, 2008

Jean Guez, one of the most unethical court appointed Psychologists money can buy

Although it has been 4 years since any court testimony has been heard from this so called "Expert Witness" and I now have virtually unlimited access to my now 10 year old son because of my persistence and love for my son, I never forgive nor forget. In 2003 I was the typical father fighting for his right to see his child. I have no criminal record, pay child support, and have always shown nothing but love for my son. This has bearing in the Family Court system of Montgomery County, TX where "Expert" testimony can be bought as quickly as a hamburger. I, along with several other witnesses have never been so sick in our lives until hearing this "Expert" witness testify to things that were so far from the truth. Jean R. Guez will destroy a parent-child relationship if the money is right. With 3 children of her own (Jonathan Charles Guez, Julia Elizabeth Guez and Benjamin J Guez), she knows better.

In summary, if you are wealthy and want to use your children as a bargaining tools against his/her other parent, I recommend Jean R. Guez.

Pros: If you are wealthy and can pay her fees, she will say whatever you pay her to say

Cons: A sellout to her profession, really very sad.

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